What is the purpose of the distribution box (connection block) added to some instruments that communicate with Sitrad, available for purchase?

The connection block, also known as the distribution box, has internal protection that reduces the noise coming from engines, electrical cabling, power oscillations, and others, apart from linking the controllers to create the communications network.  The connection block is added, for example, to the following models: MT512E Log, TC900E Log, PCT410E plus, VX1025E, VX1050E e… Continue reading What is the purpose of the distribution box (connection block) added to some instruments that communicate with Sitrad, available for purchase?

How many meters of cabling can there be in a facility to link the instruments to the computer where the Sitrad interface is running? 

Up to 1,000 m from the computer to the last controller and 2 meters from each controller to the corresponding connection block.

How many instruments can be connected to each converter?

Each converter allows the connection of up to 32 Full Gauge controllers with serial output, independently of the model, measuring variable and quantity of sensors the controller uses.

How many TCP-485 can I use in the same network?

The TCP number is limitless as long as they have a different IP number. Information on how to register the ethernet converter can be found in the Sitrad manual.

What do I need to have the controllers send the information to the software?

A converter interface. Currently, we have four converter models, and their connection with the controllers is the same for all the models.  The only change is the connection method to the computer.