Discover how Sitrad PRO helps the environment

Global energy consumption has grown by 50,000 Terawatt-hours (TWh) over the past two decades according to the website And this number tends to continue increasing in the upcoming years with the evolution of technology, which will allow us to produce electricity more efficiently. If we don’t take small preventive actions to bring this number down,… Continue reading Discover how Sitrad PRO helps the environment

Full Gauge Controls and Fiocruz guarantee the quality of COVID-19 vaccines

Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), an agency of the Ministry of Health, is the entity responsible for keeping the integrity of the doses of North American vaccine Pfizer/BioNTech which have been arriving in Brazil since the end of March, mainly regarding the strict temperatures required for their conservation. Fiocruz has prepared to receive them through the… Continue reading Full Gauge Controls and Fiocruz guarantee the quality of COVID-19 vaccines

Remote monitoring reduces to 100% product loss in ice cream freezer

Precise temperature control is fundamentally relevant to maintain quality and integrity of temperature sensitive products, avoiding product loss and extending shelf life. It also plays a crucial role to improve energy efficiency leading to optimization of operating cost and maintenance. A case study was made on an independent supermarket that had an ice cream freezer… Continue reading Remote monitoring reduces to 100% product loss in ice cream freezer

Manufacturer of draft beer obtains savings and ensures the quality of the product through remote management

The manufacturing process of beer is very complex and requires various types of quality control in all stages of production, especially maintaining the correct temperatures of products in tanks used in the fermentation process. Chopp Boreal develops, produces and sells products with high standards of quality, from the choice of the raw material to the… Continue reading Manufacturer of draft beer obtains savings and ensures the quality of the product through remote management

Doing groceries shopping at the right temperature

Shopping for groceries online and picking them up from cabinets scattered on strategic locations in the city is already a reality in many countries of the Americas, Europe and Oceania. And behind it all is a Brazilian technology developed by Full Gauge Controls, a manufacturer of instruments for air conditioning, refrigeration, solar heating, and heating.… Continue reading Doing groceries shopping at the right temperature